Thursday, May 12, 2005

Whiskey for my men, someone punch me in the face

"Whiskey for my men, and beer for my horses"

That's the song that my co-worker was playing this morning when I came in. I can't stand blatently horrible music taste. Nu Country is so horrible. It makes me want to punch myself in the face.


I really do mean to post on this more, especially since I have this sinking suspision that no one reads this anymore. Which is fine. Some day... Some day...

Well, let's see. I haven't been feeling so hot lately. I've been so tired- I just feel exhausted all of the time. I don't know why.

Sarah had surgery on both of her feet to correct a problem she's had most of her life. I'm glad she finally got it done, but it does suck cause she's in pain a lot and pretty much stuck at home for a while now. But she's getting around pretty well on her own now.

That's it for now I guess. More whenever.


At 5:28 PM, Blogger Danny said...

Paul mi boy, I checks it everyday. As you awake in the morning and prepare for a day doing the sexiest job ever (how do you contain yourself with all those hotties? Unless it's a "silent and no sexy" kinda library...anyway); whereas I awake and prepare for a day of teaching some kids how to yell out "howdy Gangsta!" at every pale skin they see. We both are making a difference and without this blog no one would know of this. Don't give up on yourself. I am enjoying your tales of life and listening preferences. Honestly. Take care and give me whiskey for my men and a lobotomy for Kenny Chesney! (or some offensive person of that ilk).


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