Saturday, April 23, 2005

Three-way action

So I was checking out Pedro the Lion's website, and found out about The Soft Drugs and Headphones. Pedro the Lion is David Bazan and TW Walsh (and whoever else they get to play with them). The Soft Drugs is TW Walsh, David Bazan, and Ken Maiuri. Headphones is David Bazan, TW Walsh, and Frank Lenz (Starflyer 59). Now, The Soft Drugs music is written and sang by TW Walsh, who still does solo stuff. Headphones is all synthesizer and drums and vocals. But here's what I think. There's something incestual about those bands. Secondly, where is Damien Jurado?

Anyways, looks like PTL will be on the back-burner for a while after the scheduled shows. But then again, that was the rumor like three or four years ago, so we'll see.


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