Friday, April 01, 2005

Drinking drinking drinking drinking coca coca cola

I'm working on making my blog more interesting. Though I know everyone in the world wants you to read their blog, you should WANT to read mine. The whole blogging phenomenon is a whole other cake altogether, but I'll go into that at some later point. First of all, if you know Aaron Weinberg, you should be reading his blog too. Secondly, I'm stealing a couple things from it in case you don't want to.

Directly quoted from Aaron's blog:

"David Byrne of the Talking Heads started his own internet radio station. He got tired of people asking him what he was listening to and he figured this was the easiest way to let people know. It turns out that his playlist is pretty good and even has some stuff I haven't heard yet. It's makes for some pretty good background music so check it out.

You can use just about any music player to listen to it.... Just scroll down and click 'Stereo MP3 Stream'."

It's actually pretty decent, and I think the bigger internet radio/satellite radio/rebel radio gets, the better. If it can save the youth of tomorrow from 97 ZOK, dear Lord is it worth it!

And stealing another thing from Aaron's blog, this is definitely the sweetest thing ever.

As for anything interesting on my end, I sort of thought more people (than zero) would have weighed in on the whole T.V. thing, but that's ok. I don't really know that anyone does read this. Dog sitting is going great. I love that dog.

This morning I took out the garbage, then got a glass of water, then walked upstairs, and by the time I got upstairs and looked out of my bedroom window, I swear to God, at least 6 gulls had converged on our driveway and had ripped open a little hole about the size of a croissant in one of the garbage bags and had taken a croissant out of the garbage and were fighting over it. It couldn't have been more than a minute and a half. They're like vultures.

The other big news outside of my life is the Pope and Terri Shiavo. They're everywhere. First of all, though I never really weighed in on the Shiavo thing before, I felt like it was selfish to try to keep her alive for years more in a vegetative state. However, I don't think that she should have been starved. I honestly think this was a perfect example of the need for legalizing assisted suicide. I'm glad that that side stayed out of it though. As far as the media and politics go. It's so sad how the whole thing was turned into this big political moral media blitz. She should have been allowed to die in peace, and now to rest in peace. The protesters there, especially the people who thought that she should have been kept alive, turned it into a circus to try and get coverage of their cause. That's not the time or place. Now all of these conservative Republicans in Congress coming out against the judges with veiled threats, be it towards them or their careers, are turning this whole tragedy in even more negative. I don't know, I guess I might be rambling a bit, but the whole thing just upsets me so much.

As for the Pope, I wish him well as millions of others do, and I'm sure for him it's a time that he looked forward to much of his life. I do have my problems with Catholicism, but the Pope is obviously an intensly strong believer. And that's that.

More interesting stuff later when I wake up a little more.


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