Sunday, October 10, 2004

Look out bitches, I'm back

Well Sarah and I are back in Rockford now. It's been good so far. She's been working 9-5 in WINNEBAGO training, which sucks. But theres only a week of that left, then her bank will be right by our place. Living with my parents has been okay, and since I've had shit for luck finding a job, it has to be. We'll get it figured out soon. But that's about it. Haven't really gone out much, it seems everytime I have energy and wanna do something, she's tired, and vise-versa.


At 10:36 AM, Blogger Michael and Tessa said...

Finally, you definitely need to keep up on your blog. It's good to see that you're still alive. Keep in there P-did, you'll find something. At least your parents are letting you stay with them while you are looking for a job.


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