Friday, May 27, 2005

Salad Week Day 2

Well, the first day of salad week is over. I didn't do so bad considering... I had some juice in the morning, a single serving bag of popcorn at lunch, and then a salad at dinner. I also ended up having a few cheese bread slices to cover the taste of the salad... And then I had pudding as a snack. But the important thing is I ate almost all of my salad. It really sucks, but I think it will be worth it in the end. I think this weekend I might do taco salad, with that fake vegan taco meat shit that supposedly tastes like real meat. We'll see. If I do I'm gonna go all out and get one of those tortilla bowl things. Those always looked good. Well, it's Friday. It's slow (at work). And almost everyone is gone today, at least around where I work. So I imagine another post this afternoon. Have a wonderful day.

Items On My Salad Last Night: Lettuce, broccoli, corn, chicken, a little cheddar cheese, like four croutons total, and two huge thick slices of cucumber, which I didn't eat. They were thick and gross. And by the way I got the salad from a place up here, so when I say there were like four croutons total, I'm serious. Oh yeah, and Parmesan Peppercorn dressing.

Salad Week Day 2 Weight: 276

Now Listening To: Decibully "You Might Be A Winner..." (If theres more to the album name I don't know cause I can't see it all on my iPod screen.

Oh yeah, while I'm at it... CD's I've purchased recently...

The Decemberists "Picaresque" (Best Buy card)
Jolie Holland "Escondida" (Best Buy card)
Elvis Costello "The Delivery Man" (Used, doesn't look like it, no scratches... $2.99)
Willie Nelson "The Great Divide" (Used, doesn't look like it, no scratches... $4.99)
And then five cd's for a dollar each, brand new still wrapped, from the library used book sale... including Everclear, Shawn Colvin, The Toadies, Joan Osbourne, and Pearl Jam. They were cheap, brand new, and help towards my goal of getting every cd. Ever.


At 5:22 PM, Blogger Brian said...

I think salads are bullshit, too. Every once in a while I like to throw down on a good one, but that's a rarity. There are tons of better ways to get veggies in you. I'll think of some and get back to you, but freebasing comes to mind.

you know what's bullshit about watching your fat and calorie intake in general? Nothing is good for you. Bagels? Those ain't healthy. That taco shell on the outside of the taco salad? Also unhealthy. Ranch dressing? Nope, that's still good for you.

That last one is what Kurt Vonnegut would've called Foma. Look it up!

Sorry. I'm in a whimsical mood. good posting, and excellent CD buys. Possum Kingdom Rulez.


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