Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Ladies and gentleman... The post you've all been waiting for...

So, I guess I've always had this feeling in the back of my mind that Brian Riggins was actually The Mountain Goats. He likes that band a lot, and I guess listening to them, I figured it could be Brian. This was only spurred on by the fact that as much as I scoured the internet, I couldn't find any conclusive pictures proving otherwise. This all ended tragically last night when I spent about three minutes more than normal (making it four minutes) looking for pictures of The Elusive The Mountain Goats and to my shagrin (spelling anyone?)*, I found some. Now, I guess this isn't the most conclusive evidence, such as actually seeing them play live or something the like, but there were pictures of the same people on more than one website, leading me to believe... Well I guess... Maybe...

Brian Riggins is not The Mountain Goats

I guess my world just came crashing down a little.

My first footnote.** Who would have thought when I read all of those DFW books that I pretended to "get" that one day I would be using footnotes. Well anyways, this footnote was in reference to my "(spelling anyone?)" question up above, which I guess I didn't have to explain since this is a footnote. But I did. So I'm wondering this... I often see, in writing and such, the expression (sic), or (sic?), or (!sic!) or the more emo (.sic.) or perhaps the more tEeN BeAT (sIc). I guess I never really understood it and so I assumed it either meant they were "filling in the blanks" in an interview. Like when someones talking to fast and you sum up what they were saying. And then part of me thought it might have something to do with not knowing how something was spelled and putting it in there as to say, "Hey, you probably aren't sure how it's spelled either, so lay off." I guess I could look it up on the THE INTERNET (in that James Earl Jones voice of God voice), but I didn't, and don't plan on it. So I still don't know. I guess if one of you tell me, it wouldn't be looking it up. So that'll do.

**I'd like to point out that even though this was my first footnote, I did know enough to make the font smaller, colored it blue, and applied the less prevelant "italicized" (sic).


At 2:28 PM, Blogger Paul said...

I know I'm posting a comment on my own blog, but I apologize for how horribly the blue in this previous post looks on my blog. Blame the internet footnote kings.

At 5:23 PM, Blogger Jason said...

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At 5:28 PM, Blogger Jason said...

hey paul. My understanding of sic is this...you put it down when the spelling LOOKS like it is a mistake but it's really not. Yep, I just checked the dictionary and it says something to the effect of "it is as it is printed" meaning that you know this looks fishy but you haven't made a mistake, you mean what you typed...er something.

love ya bro,

At 7:35 PM, Blogger jill said...

No. Jason is wrong. Sic is used when something _is_ spelled wrong, and you are quoting it, and you want people to be sure to know that it is not your mistake, it was a mistake already in the original quote.

And Paul, I didn't think you could be right because if Brian had actually recorded a CD that you could order online, he'd find a way to let people know. Now, of course, he's going to attempt to start a band and get signed and never tell anyone that it's actually him, just to prove me wrong.

We're looking forward to meeting your girl, Paul.

At 11:57 PM, Blogger Aaron said...

Face it, Paul. I'm on to you. That English Major question was totally a ploy to get comments on your blog.

Well, it worked. And it's not just spelling mistakes.. it's grammer mistakes too. So if somebody was writing about a spoken interview they'd use [sic] when the rockstar guy says "we is awesome."


At 12:12 PM, Blogger Brian said...

Aaron, I think you mean "...it's grammar mistakes, too." Or perhaps "...it's grammer (sic) mistakes, too."

Jill, I play shows without telling folks. It's entirely possible that I would also have a CD available for order that you guys don't know about. I do have a demo CD none of you have heard. I am not signed, however.

Finally, let me just say that if I were the mountain goats, my heart would explode and it would make a great song.

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Brian said...

PS, my heart exploding was actually a tiny reference to the lyrics of the Mountain Goats song "Twin Human Highway Flares." As I read this post I had been listening to nothing but the mountain goats for an hour and a half. Now playing, "Chanson du Bon Chase," which, if I were the mountain goats, would secretly be about Jason.


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