Thursday, October 28, 2004

In your shoe, under the bed

So anyways, I'm sitting here on the computer, and I keep seeing these flashes go by the 2 inches of window that I can see through next to the blinds. Big black flashes. Kinda like The Mothman Prophecies. Kinda strange. And the walls just creaked. But it's 3:23 in the afternoon and nothing scary happens at this time. I'm trying to get caught up on the reviews. Two today so far. So, I guess I have good news. I'm "working" for my dad. Kinda like a personal assistant. Part of it will be office work/data entry and part will be household cleaning and big projects. There's a lot going on at his work and he needs help with all kind of stuff. But I'll be an employee of Joe Mannone, Inc. At least for the time being until I can get something more permanent. At least this way I'm not scraping by on pennies and spending hours each day looking for jobs. I can kinda cool it on that front. Well that's about it for now, I have to go get some shit done.


At 4:53 PM, Blogger Michael and Tessa said...

That's good that you were able to find something to do. Not having a job sucks when you have nothing else to do. Everything gets boring really quickly.


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