Thursday, September 08, 2005


As temperatures cool down, I've been getting ready for my favorite part of the year... Fall. In doing so, I've been trying to think of some good fall music. Music that's good to enjoy on a fall day, or music that gets you in the mood for fall, etc. What are some of your favorite "Fall Songs/Albums"? Prizes will be awarded for the best recommendation.


At 12:06 PM, Blogger MR. A said...

You know paul I (Holly) always am in the mood for some blue grass music in the fall so the "Brother Where Art Thou" soundtrack is always good. I dont know if you even like blue grass.

At 6:59 AM, Blogger Paul said...

Yeah, that's a good idea. Of course I like bluegrass.

At 4:21 PM, Blogger DannnnnMCMAhonnnnnnn said...

i like going the bluegrass direction...i am going to go with "The Pizza Tapes" which is David Grisman, Jerry Garcia and Tony Rice doing doing old folk and blue grass standards....great playing, great songs. One of the more loose recordings i have heard. The whole things just sounds like a recorded living room jam. Lots of banter during and between songs. check it out!

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Paul said...

Dude, I've obviously heard the Pizza Tapes (unless you were talking to the rest of the internet with your comment...) How many times have we played cards and listened to that all night. It is a good recommendation for anyone else. Also, surprisingly enough, they actually have it at the library in Oshkosh, which is weird cause it's kinda a bootleg, or at least not widely available. Anyways, good recommendation dan-o.


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