Wednesday, September 07, 2005

One more thing...

Unless your going to a John Hughes theme party, put your fucking collar down. Especially if you are wearing a polo shirt at the time. It shouldn't have been cool in the 80's, it shouldn't be cool now. I understand that sometimes a collar can become partially flipped during the events of a day, esp. if you are say playing tackle football or being grabbed around the neck repeatedly. If any of these sound like possibilities, please take a second to look in the mirror. If your collar is flipped up, put it down before anyone notices. Maroon 5 isn't cool for doing it, neither are all those frat boy jackasses who think their hip, and especially neither are annoying rich fat girls named Sophie who find it necessary to wear two polo shirts at once, the bottom one featuring the flipped collar and the top one in "not-trying-too-hard" normal mode.

I'll see if I can find some pictures to illustrate my point if anyone needs. But for the time being, if your collar is in an unnatural position, you might be an asshole.


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