Wednesday, August 24, 2005


I started reading Nick Hornby's "Songbook" last night. It's a pretty quick easy read, obviously. If you don't know, it's basically a series of essays on some of the authors favorite (at least for the moment) songs. He talks a lot about what it is to be a true music fan, how your taste evolves, and a lot of the stuff that I think about when I think about my musical tastes, now and in the past. It's pretty spot on about most stuff. Although he does do a little bit on Bob Dylan that I don't quite agree with. Overall, it's a pretty good read so far. If you are a music fan looking for something light and easy to read, I'd suggest picking it up.

I've also started reading McSweeney's and The Believer during my down time. Both good reads if you're sitting in front of a computer with little to do.

I've also become hooked on Gilmore Girls cause, fuck, it's a good show. It's clever, and the obvious funny lines are delivered in such a way that they almost slip by. There's no fake laughter here. The characters are endearing, the music's great, and it's so much smarter than anything on the WB, and most of what's on the rest of the networks. Tuesday nights at 8/7 c and 9/8 are two episodes from last season (I think), until the new season begins in a few weeks. If you know anything about the show, you'll know that Rory (the daughter) is a big reader. I found out that the WB has a "Rory's Book Club" which is actually pretty good. Definitely quite a few "must-reads" on the list, old and new.

I've also got three other books I've started, and hopefully will actually finish one this weekend.

On the agenda:

Saturday night- The Wandering Sons w/ Her Majesty's Ship at Cranky Pat's
Thursday September 1 and Friday September 2- Fox Valley Jazz Fest
Saturday September 3- Charlie & The Chocolate Factory/Dukes of Hazzard Double Feature at Field of Scenes Drive-In Theater.


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