Friday, August 19, 2005

a ternader

So, if you haven't yet heard, Wisconsin got ravaged by tornados last night. Oshkosh is fine. At least from the tornados. I kinda hate this city sometimes. I don't know why exactly, but I don't like it much. It's alright for the time being, but I don't know how long I can live here. Hopefully I can make it like 1 day after Sarah is done at UW-O. That's about all I can stand of it I think... hopefully.

So I got a juicer this week. One of those things that you put fruits and vegetables in and get nasty looking shit, and delicious nutritious juice out of. I haven't made any juices yet, but I've been getting on from the store that I'm going to try to copy. I need to get some wheat grass too. So we'll see how that goes. Better than salad week, no doubt.

Otherwise, there's not a lot new to report. I won't be able to make it down to Brian's party, which I'm totally bummed about. But we've been so busy lately, and I've felt shitty for a while now. Hopefully this weekend can just be fun and relaxing.

So the two ladies that work in the office here with me are both out today. That's fine, except for at lunch time I have to lock up the office, which we're not really supposed to do, but I have to take lunch. It's the last day of the pay period, so I can't just take an extra hour at some point next week. So, oh well. Not my fault by any means. Hopefully that means I'll post again later today. Maybe I'll dig up some good shit to put on here, after "nerding" around the internet for a while.

Also, I'm a little upset that it was nice and cool and cloudy (gloomy as some people call it) this morning, and by the time I get off work it's supposed to be hot and sunny. I don't really like hot and sunny too much. Maybe it's a fat thing. I sweat.


At 1:54 AM, Blogger DannnnnMCMAhonnnnnnn said...

dood. you are gonna fox that juicer. i know it.

At 2:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I hope by "Wisconsin" you mean your crotch, and by "ravaged" you mean ravaged.

At 7:05 PM, Blogger Michael and Tessa said...

Wisconsin is the land of milk and honey compared to the temperature in Atlanta. I've never sweat so much in my life as I have in the last two days. My blood is too thick to live in the south. I wish that my relatives would have inbred so I could stand this heat and so I could talk to people around here about the three things they do know about (I hate nascar, I hate sports, and I hate hunting).

At 7:56 PM, Blogger Mike Pape said...

This week Jill and I went on an hour-long walk/run in the 102 degree heat. Not much shade, either. We are insane.


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