Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Step into my office, baby

I've been really jaded by music lately. I've had a hard time finding something that really has done it for me. It's kinda ridiculous. I have 450+ cds and a nearly full 30 gig iPod and I have trouble finding something to listen to. It must be some kind of disease. I have found a few things that have really surprised me:

1. The new Nine Inch Nails single and video are really good. I never really liked Nine Inch Nails (I refuse to abbreviate into the so over-dramatized NIN), but this song was pretty sweet, and the video is hot.
2. The new Gorillaz song is cool. I never really bothered to check them out, but have always had the feeling I might like them. I'll have to check them out now.
3. I realized I like Beck a lot. While he does have some stuff that I'm just like "...Wha?", I really dig a lot of his stuff. Sea Change was such a good record, and when it came out it really made me be like "Beck's the man." But I've since realized that he was the man all along.
4. Somehow, I sort of like System of A Down. I don't like pretty much any of those bands, but they're way different than their misunderstood-semi-goth-highschool-dyed-black-hair-and-hot-topic-clothes-wearing-fans would have you assume. They've got a lot of drama I guess in their music. Boom is a fantastic song, as well as this newer song B.Y.O.B. (which doesn't stand for Bring Your Own (Beverage, Booze, Beer), I don't think. If it does, it certainly doesn't make sense with the song.

There are a lot of bands out right now that sound like a lot of bands I liked in high school. Most of them suck. No wait, I think all of them that I've heard so far suck. I bet Matt Moore and Alex Tabb dig them, though. Anyone remember their shit green/orange/yellow hair from overbleaching? Man.


At 12:41 PM, Blogger Michael and Tessa said...

You are right on everything here buddy-ro.

At 4:13 PM, Blogger MR. A said...

yeah the byob stands for bring your own bong, so i have heard, 80% sure it is right

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Mike Pape said...

Unless you have a backwards upper case "N", I think it's illegal to abbreviate 9in. nlz.

At 8:32 AM, Blogger xanadian said...

Go retro. Get some Electric Light Orchestra. That'd be different! ;-)

... bong ... tee hee!


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