Wouldn't it be nice...
Alright. Screw it. Now that I'm working I am spending most of the day in front of the computer, and I still can't manage to review the records I'm listening to. Whoop. So I'm just gonna listen to records and casually mention them whenever I post, which is going to be more often now hopefully. You know what I need? A record that totally knocks my socks off. Totally. Apprope. I listened to Neutral Milk Hotel "An Aeroplane Over The Sea" today. It's good, I won't argue that. But I have trouble putting it up on a pedestal like most music geeks. I'm listening to Pet Sounds right now, and it's really one hell of a record. I know that in the music geek community, that's kinda like saying YHF is really good. But for the rest of the world who thinks the Beach Boys just wrote goofy pop songs, this record is so good. Other records that have been getting a lot of rotation lately: Elliott Smith "From a Basement on the Hill", obviously (the liner notes are heartbreaking, the first time I looked at them, I cried a little), and Damien Jurado "Where Shall You Take Me?" The first few times I tried to listen to this record, I stopped within the first few songs. If anyone else has had the same experience, I beg you to go back and give it another listen. Matinee is a fun little song that I never really paid attention to. Window is one of the most gorgeous songs that I've heard in a long time. It feels like an old Gospel song to me. Give it another chance (or a first chance) for me. Plus the only songs I can sing and play well are Damien Jurado songs. Cause I suck.Anyways, what records should I try to find? This is going out mostly to Brian, cause he listens to lots of records. I also need to ask Jill what I should listen to. She had a recommendation for me a while back, and I forgot to call her. But I don't think she reads this, or do you?